Supercharge your mornings, tip 1: Eat a mood-boosting breakfast
Do you find yourself craving your morning dose of caffeine before
your finger has even left the snooze button? Take a break from the
coffee and wake yourself up the healthier way with an energizing,
mood-boosting breakfast. Oats are the perfect pick-me-up breakfast
ingredient as they are a low GI food, meaning that they will release a
slow, steady stream of energy to fuel your busy morning. They are also
rich in B vitamins, which are beneficial for energy levels and which
can also help to boost your mood. Fruit is also a good natural source
of energy and essential nutrients.
Supercharge your mornings, tip 2: Try something new
Breakfast, shower, grab your keys, head out the door... Ever feel
like you’re experiencing morning déjà vu? Our morning routines can
easily become repetitive, with many of us getting up at the same time,
eating the same foods and taking the same route to work time and time
again. To revamp your mornings and ward off boredom, try to break away
from your routine and start your day a little differently. Get up at a
different time, do things in a different order or try a different
breakfast, workout, method of transport or radio station. Play around
with your routine and break out of your morning rut.
Supercharge your mornings, tip 3: Treat yourself
Our morning routines are often a lot more functional than those of
our evenings; often used simply as a time to get clean, get fuelled and
get to work. However, your mornings provide a valuable opportunity for
a bit of ‘me time’. Start your day right and make your morning the best
part of your day by using it to do something you enjoy. Get up early
and watch your favourite TV show, make an indulgent breakfast in bed,
or swap your shower for a luxurious bubble bath. By spending your early
hours doing something you love, you can rise and shine feeling great
about your day.
Supercharge your mornings, tip 4: Take your time
Many of our mornings are spent rushing around trying to get
everything done in a limited amount of time. However, not only are
things more likely to go wrong when you rush (burning the toast, losing
your keys and dropping toothpaste down your top are all common morning
scenarios) but running around in a panic and getting into the office a
minute before you are due to start work is a stressful way to start
each day. To start your morning as you mean to go on – feeling calm,
confident and collected – try setting your alarm clock a bit earlier
and getting your outfit and lunch ready the night before, rather than
leaving things until the last minute.
Supercharge your mornings, tip 5: Make a morning soundtrack
Music is not only great for our physical wellbeing (with research
suggesting it can improve your immune system and cardiovascular
health), but studies have also suggested that listening to music can
lower stress levels and improve mental health. To get your day off to a
health and mood-boosting start, put together a playlist of morning
songs to listen to as you get ready for work or for your morning
journey. Whether you need to de-stress, lift your mood or get
energized, listening to your favourite songs is bound to get your
morning off to a great start.
Supercharge your mornings, tip 6: Move your body
We understand some of us just aren’t morning people and that a
workout might be the last thing on your mind as you snuggle back down
under the covers, but squeezing in even 10 minutes of exercise first
thing is a great way to start your day. Exercise releases feel-good
chemicals in the brain, such as endorphins and anandamide, and it will
also leave you energized for the day ahead. While the word ‘workout’
may fill you with dread, getting active doesn’t need to be hard work.
Find something that you find fun, such as dancing to your favourite
music or cycling to work, and make your workout an enjoyable part of
your morning routine.
Supercharge your mornings, tip 7: Think positively
If you tend to start your mornings feeling anxious or stressed
about the day ahead, then it is time to change your mindset and start
your day on a positive note. Worrying about your day isn’t going to
improve it or change its outcome, so instead ditch the worries and try
to spend the first five minutes of your day thinking positive thoughts
and reflecting on all the things you have to look forward to or be
grateful for, or practising some calming meditation or deep breathing
techniques. Alternatively, try reading some inspirational quotes to
start your day feeling positive and confident.
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